Zed 1.0.5 review

by rbytes.net on

Zed is a simple, fast, small, low-CPU-consuming, highly configurable text editor for console and X11. Installation: · "make -n

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 162K
Developer: Sandro Serafini
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Zed is a simple, fast, small, low-CPU-consuming, highly configurable text editor for console and X11.


"make -n install" to see what it'll do
"make install"
if you want to customize configurations, copy the config files in your home directory as .zedrc and .zedxrc; if zed'll found error(s) in they, it'll revert to the copy in /etc or /usr/local/etc.
the default configuration for zed (cfg/zedrc, terminal mode) works with LINUX in a LOCAL console and use a trick to retrieve shift status throw linux's kernel. If this isn't your case, use the reduced version of the configuration file (cfg/zedrc.xterm) or use X11 version (zedx).
Using the reduced version you'll loose some nice things, like mark a block with shift-arrow, but it'll work in every ansi/vt100 terminal.
you can configure almost ALL, please read zed.doc.

Here are some key features of "Zed":
Can use ANY keysequence (e.g. define a block with shift-arrow) even under unix local text terminal (linux).
intelligent screen update (NOT using the slow (n)curses).
Column blocks with insert & overwrite.
multi window/multi buffer.
color c++, html, tex, java, mail file.
shows parenthesis matching, searches for C functions, reindents C blocks.
about 200 commands and 100 variables to deal with.
Can edit/insert control codes (ascii 0-31 and 128-159).
executes programs with output redirected on a window (i.e. make, man, etc...).
Can load files with CRLF and/or CR and/or LF end-of-line marker.
clipboard and delete buffer.
savable run-time macros.
simple and powerful configuration system.
easy document mode, almost ascii.
automatic wordwrap and reformat, even inside quoted line within a e-mail file.
small, fast, powerful, low cpu consumer.
hexdump-like mode to edit binary file.
You can go everywhere with the cursor.
Internal, fast file selector.
all that you'll find.

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