Zenith Picture Gallery 0.9.2 review
DownloadZenith Picture Gallery is a feature-rich picture gallery that organizes uploaded images into searchable categories, creates thumbnail
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Zenith Picture Gallery is a feature-rich picture gallery that organizes uploaded images into searchable categories, creates thumbnails, and stores individual statistics for each one.
Other features of Zenith Picture Gallery include downloadable categories and sub-categories, user accounts and profiles, batch adding via FTP and batch deleting, user comments and ratings, the ability to add languages and skins, the option to rebuild thumbnails, an IP blacklist, and a comprehensive admin control panel that provides access to a great deal of settings and formatting options.
Here are some key features of "Zenith Picture Gallery":
Everything is done from the browser, from installation to configuration.
Searcheable records by filters.
Auto-resizing/resampling of images to thumbnails.
Easy skinning.
Categories and sub-categories with display permission options.
User accounts, user profiles, control panels and user types.
Easy management of languages.
Blacklist containing IPs of troublesome users.
Admin CP allows you to define countless settings and formatting options.
A notice appears in the nav bar to admins when there are pictures, comments or users awaiting approval.
Batch add pictures via FTP.
Batch delete pictures.
Rebuild thumbnails tool.
Search result and display page addresses are linkable.
Gallery can be turned on/off.
Adding pictures can be disabled for guests.
Sort pictures by Last comments, Most viewed, Top rated.
ZIP and download pictures.
User accounts, profiles and pictures can all be managed in the Admin CP.
Option to receive an email when a picture is submitted.
21. Option to allow only registered users to view the gallery.
22. Option to set a timezone offset for picture submission dates.
Categories are mapped to directories in the file structure.
Users can choose a skin from the ones uploaded.
'Forgot my Password' and 'Resend Activation Email' tools.
Admins can define custom fields for pictures.
EXIF support.
PHP 4.1 or higher.
GD2 (if you want the gallery to be able to create thumbnails).
MySQL 3.22 or higher.
What's New in This Release:
Features and Changes
Approve all/Leave all/Delete all and Check all/Uncheck all buttons in the Admin CP.
If filename already exists, the gallery now renames the newly uploaded one instead of quitting with an error.
Support for other media types such as videos.
Admin can specify allowed file types for media file uploads.
Support for right-to-left languages except within the Admin CP (admin can enable it via the page direction option in the Admin CP).
More efficient use of common skin files. The gallery now looks for a skin image or stylesheet in the currently active skin's directory; if it doesn't find it, it looks in the default skin's directory, which means that the other skins' directories don't need to unnecessarily replicate the default skin's files.
Thumbnails in Batch Delete now link to their respective full-size pictures.
Delayed until next release
Allow users to determine how to order pictures.
Allow the admin to determine how to order categories.
It might sometimes be the case that the watermark adds itself to existing images when it's turned on.
Bugs fixed
"Required path not found..." message was shown in some installations when a function tried to access head.php or config.php
Rejected pictures weren't removed from 'uploads'
Optimized awfully redundent (sp?) code in admincp.php.
Thumbnails and details were always left-aligned in album view regardless of the settings in the Admin CP.
Closing parenthesis in search.php caused error on page load.
Adding a category when one with the same name already exists caused its directory not to be created.
When search button was clicked with no queries, the number of records returned included queued pictures.
An extra picture was always displayed at the end of the table in Batch Delete.
When the main page was set to show an album view, a category's count of its total pictures only counted all the pictures in its directory and those of its direct sub-directories instead of traversing all sub-directories down to the very last ones.
Admin's email address wasn't saved in gallery's configuration file following installation.
Rebuild thumbnails might have sometimes mistakenly shown 1 full-size pictures in the gallery when in fact there were none.
Zenith Picture Gallery 0.9.2 keywords