DirectFBGL 0.9.25 review

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DirectFBGL project is an OpenGL extension to DirectFB. The implementation uses DRI for hardware rendering. Requirements: · Dir

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 394K
Developer: Denis Oliver Kropp, Andreas Hundt and Sven Neumann
0 stars award from

DirectFBGL project is an OpenGL extension to DirectFB.

The implementation uses DRI for hardware rendering.

DirectFB CVS
Mesa embedded-2-branch


After successful installation of Mesa you can build DirectFBGL and its examples with the following steps:

- Run './configure' (or ./ using the CVS version of DirectFBGL) with the following argument: '--with-mesa='
e.g. --with-mesa=/home/dok/cvs/mesa3d/Mesa
$ make
$ make install

DirectFBGL 0.9.25 keywords