Automation software reviews

Showing 1 to 25 from 26 matches

DirectFB 1.0.0 RC2 Automation
DirectFB is a thin library that provides developers with hardware graphics acceleration, input device handling and abstraction, integ
GPL (GNU General Public License)
PPort 0.6.8 Automation

GPL (GNU General Public License)
PAUS - Perl AUtomation System 1.0 beta Automation
Paus is all about controlling "stuff" with easy scripts
GPL (GNU General Public License)
J/CoMM 0.1.1 Automation
J/CoMM server is a middleware between RS232 controllable hardware devices (like VCR's, data projectors, cameras etc.) and a graphical
GPL (GNU General Public License)
IControl 0.1.0 Automation
IControl is a software program meant to interpret signals from Creative's RM-900 remote control and accompanying IR LiveDrive! receiv
GPL (GNU General Public License)
XScanMaster 0.6 Automation
XScanMaster is a program to control intelligent lights using DMX512, based on the fixture library from GrandMA-firmware
GPL (GNU General Public License)
autocrypt 0.0.3 Automation
autocrypt it's a set of scripts that use linux hotplug/udev/cryptoapi mechanism to allow you autocrypting a harddrive what do I mean
Artistic License
Thinux 1.0.1 Automation
Thinux is a thin client system that resides on a Red Hat Linux server
GPL (GNU General Public License)
iBookshelf 0.1.4 Automation
iBookshelf is an application for cataloging your book collection and designing bookshelves based for it
GPL (GNU General Public License)
OpenRelease 0.1.13 Automation
OpenRelease is a Python module which automates the packaging, release and announcement of Open Source software. The pack class cre
GPL (GNU General Public License)
Lintouch 1.10 Automation
Lintouch is an opensource implementation of HMI (Human Machine Interface) or MMI (Man Machine Interface) software framework
GPL (GNU General Public License)
DOMjudge 1.3.0 Automation
DOMjudge is an automated judge system to run programming contests
GPL (GNU General Public License)
mCatalog 0.2 Automation
mCatalog is an application for catalogue films and books
GPL (GNU General Public License)
Grifcat 0.2.1 Automation
Grifcat is a simple utility which monitors a Griffin Powermate and sends state change information to the calling script
GPL (GNU General Public License)
Servo Actuation Manipulator 0.6.1 Automation

GPL (GNU General Public License)
Very Simple Control Protocol Daemon 0.1.7 Automation
Very Simple Control Protocol Daemon is a daemon for home automation tasks. VSCP protocol is a very simple and free protocol for SOH
GPL (GNU General Public License)
eHomeConfigurator 1.4 Automation
The eHomeConfigurator is a tool for the automatic configuration of eHome systems. The goal of this tool is to reduce the amount of h
LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
jHomenet Alpha4 Automation
jHomenet is a home automation application
LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
TK-10 0.1 Automation
TK10 is a Bottlerocket GUI for Linux
GPL (GNU General Public License)
ipcam 0.4.3 Automation
ipcam is a motion detection and recording program for IP camera's
OWFS 2.5p6 Automation
OWFS is a method under linux to allow 1-wire devices to appear like files in a directory
GPL (GNU General Public License)
OWHTTPD 2.4p1 Automation
OWHTTPD project is the same code as OWFS, modified to run as a simple web server
GPL (GNU General Public License)
OpenSCADA Project 0.4.0 (Atlantis) Automation
The OpenSCADA project aims to create a full-featured and state-of-the-art SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system to
LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
Linux X10 universal device driver 2.1.4 Automation
Linux X10 universal device driver (also known as Project WiSH) provides a /dev interface to an X10 network through a combination of L
GPL (GNU General Public License)
SlimServer On DiskStation r2b9 Automation
SlimServer is a programme used to feed a digital music player (mp3 et al.) called Squeezebox
Freely Distributable