libcff 0.5.0 review

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libcff provides a kind of C++ continued fractions toolkit

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Johan Vervloet
0 stars award from

libcff provides a kind of C++ continued fractions toolkit. It lets you easily create continued fractions and estimate truncation errors.

libcff library also offers reliable continued fraction evaluation and approximating functions using continued fractions.

Here are some key features of "libcff":
creating continued fractions in an easy way
estimating truncation errors
reliable continued fraction evaluation
approximating functions using continued fractions

gmp, GNU's library for multiprecision arithmetic.
mpfr, a multiprecision library with exact rounding
libmplite, a C++ wrapper for mpfr.
Easyval, a library for interval arithmetic.
libcff, of course.


Unpack the archive
cd to the libContinuedFraction-x.x directory, and run './configure'.
Run 'make' to build the library, and 'make install' to install it. (You might need 'gmake' instead of 'make' if you are running FreeBSD)

Known bugs

The error estimation may be unreliable for convergents n with n smaller than kThresh, which is 9 by default.
When the argument of a CFFunction is far away from 0, the results are meaningless.

libcff 0.5.0 keywords