Pf 1 review

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Pf project implements the manual cryptosystem "Playfair" invented in 1854 by Charles Wheatstone. Sample output $ ./pf pf ver

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 13K
Developer: Tim Fraser
0 stars award from

Pf project implements the manual cryptosystem "Playfair" invented in 1854 by Charles Wheatstone.

Sample output

$ ./pf

pf version 1 Copyright (C) 2006 Timothy Jon Fraser
pf comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you
are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See the
LICENSE.txt file in the source distribution for details.

Usage examples:

Encrypt text from stdin to stdout:
pf -k MyKeyWord

Format output in 2-letter groups, 4 groups per line:
pf -k MyKeyWord -l 2 -g 4

Decrypt text from stdin to stdout:
pf -k MyKeyWord -d

Show key square for debugging purposes:
pf -k MyKeyWord -s

Show letters used by keyword for debugging purposes:
pf -k MyKeyWord -u

$ ./pf -k Apophenia -s

a p o h e
n i b c d
f g k l m
q r s t u
v w x y z

$ echo "An example message." | ./pf -k Apophenia
nfoz efhg duou qomp

$ echo "An example message." | ./pf -k Apophenia | ./pf -k Apohenia -d
anex ampl emes sage

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