phpBMS 0.62 review
DownloadphpBMS is an open source project and a Business Managegment System (BMS) application that manages mission-critical interactions relat
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phpBMS is an open source project and a Business Managegment System (BMS) application that manages mission-critical interactions related to billing, client, product and scheduling.
Manage your client and prospect lists effectively. Create quotes orders and invoices and then print adobe acrobat PDF files right from your web browser. Track and scedule appointments and tasks related to your clients, invoices and products from right in the system.
By utilizing the newest AJAX and DHTML technologies, phpBMS's user interface allows it to look and work just like a desktop application but maintains the benfits of a web application. And phpBMS uses no extra Active-X, Java, or Flash plugins for super easy multiplatform client support .
Here are some key features of "phpBMS":
Client / Prospect
Purchase History - From the client screen, one-click to the purchase history tab to quickly see what the client has bought in the past.
Mass E-Mail - Send e-mails to clients and prospects. Merge in any client information into the e-mail, then save the e-mail project for reuse.
Check/Remove Duplicates - Importing prospect lists, especially from source such as on-line forms can create duplicate entries. phpBMS check for duplicate search algorithm quickly finds and can remove bad records.
Record Notes/Calls and Set Follow Ups - Log an unlimited number of notes for a client. Log call events, to do lists, or general information about the client. Set follow-ups for fellow users to view later and let you know when then have read them. Notes can also be associated with specific orders/invoices and products.
Client Level Lead Source Tracking
Client Labels - Print mailing, shipping, and general folder labels for your clients on standard label paper.
Client Quickview - Quickly look up clients or prospects with basic contact information and order and note history. No more fumbling on the phone when a customer calls.
Invoices / Orders /Quotes
Create Quotes/Orders/Invoices/Credit Memos - Manage Quotes, Orders, Invoices and Credit Memos quickly and accurately. Add line items, calculate tax, and record payment methods and numbers. Mark ship status and date.
One Click Conversion - Simple quote to order to invoice conversion gets orders out fast.
PDF Print Outs - Invoice, Quote, Work Order, and Packing List print outs are generated in PDF format so you can e-mail or print them easily and maintain the same look. Upload your company logo to add to printouts.
UPS™ Shipping Estimate - Integrated with UPS™ shipping calculator web site, you can now quickly get an estimate from UPS on what it will cost to ship the invoice, including an administratively set-up shipping mark up.
Invoice Costs and Invoice-Level Lead Sources - Easily and automatically keep track of total invoice costs.
Invoice-Level Discounts - Add and track invoice level discounts and promotions to your orders.
Sales History - From the product screen, one-click to the sales history tab to see when the product was sold, how many were sold, average and total costs and prices.
Easy Cross Reference Products to Invoices and Clients - Using the "relate records" function, highlight products and quickly show all the invoices with the product in it, or clients that have bought the product.
Web Ready - phpBMS product and invoice tables are set up to be easily integrated with eCommerce packages and on-line store fronts.
Prerequisites - Set up products to require prerequisite products to be bought before selling the main product. (Useful for subscription /renewal type products, upgrade type products and refill type products.)
Invoice Totals / Item Analysis - Choose from one of the pre-designed total reports to quickly show total and/or average sales, total and/or average costs for last day, week , month or year. Or, build a custom total report with up to 20 different groupings and over 18 different factor to report on.
Quick Export - Export any tables data to a comma separated text file, or raw HTML file.
PDF Capabilities - Many phpBMS reports and print outs generate Adobe® Acrobat PDF files that can be printed with insured consistency .
User Interface
Search - phpBMS's powerful quick search, advanced search, and search booleans allow you to retrieve exactly the records you want. Search/list screens remain consistent between modules.
User Saved Searches and Sorts - Each user can build, save, load , and run complex searches in every area of phpBMS. Administrators can create global searches available to all users.
Consistent Look Across Areas - Each area inside phpBMS has the same search screen. Looking up clients, products, invoices, or notes all uses a consistent and familiar interface.
Auto Fill Fields - Using the same AJAX technology Google® uses in such web applications as and GMail, phpBMS's autofill feature will automatically look up and fill in data as you type it.
Customizable Style Sheets (CSS) - Customize the look and feel of phpBMS using one of our predefined style sheets, or create your own.
No Coding Customizations - phpBMS's modular system allows administrators to change the look of any area, including what columns are shown, what quick search are available, and what fields are searchable. All this is available through the administration area and requires no PHP programming, and only limited SQL knowledge.
User Security - Lock down the navigation menu and other functionality to unauthorized users.
Other Features
BSD License (Free) - phpBMS's base and BMS modules are released under the BSD License, meaning it's free, and you get the source code free. There is no charge to download and install it on your server.
Open Development Platform - PHP and MySQL, on top of being one of the most widely used web development platforms, are both released free and open source.
Operating System Independent Client and Server - phpBMS is operating system and web server application independent. It can run with Microsoft® IIS and Apache Servers on Windows® and GNU/Linux. Although client machines need to be running a newer version web browser, (hopefully as standards compliant as possible) phpBMS can run on almost any Operating System
No ActiveX, No Java, No Flash, No Plug-Ins - phpBMS uses a combination of server side PHP and Javascript, so there are no messy plugins or ActiveX components to install on client machines.
No Per-Seat Licensing - The amount of users using phpBMS is only limited by the amount of connections your web server can handle.
Customization - phpBMS was specifically designed to be modular, and easy to customize. Why pay $3,000 for a multi-seat CRM or SFA package that locks you into proprietary code and forced upgrades when it only does 90% of what your business needs? Wouldn't it be better to start with a free system and pay less to have it customized to match your business model exactly?
What's New in This Release:
Minor bugs were fixed and the Web page was moved to a new site with a ticket tracking system and better forum support.
phpBMS 0.62 keywords