rRootage 0.23a review
DownloadrRootage is an abstract shooter game
rRootage is an abstract shooter game. It was created by Kenta Cho and ported to Linux by Evil Mr Henry.
Debian distro: apt-get install rrootage.
Download the data files, and the executable for your platform. Put rr in this directory.
On most systems, simply open a console, switch to root, and run ./install.sh. If that doesn't work, you can install manually. Copy rr_share/* to /usr/share/games/rRootage, rr to /usr/bin and make sure everything works.
Type rr to start the game. The command-line line switches listed in readme_e.txt should all work.
Install the OpenGL development libraries. (This is the hard part.)
Install libBulletML. (http://user.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~s31552/wp/libbulletml/index_en.html Compiling should be simple. Copy the resulting .a file to /usr/lib)
Install SDL_mixer.
Compile with "make -f makefile.lin"
The file "rr" goes in your path, and all directories except src go in /usr/share/games/rRootage. src is unneeded after compiling.
Remove the directory /usr/share/games/rRootage, the file /usr/bin/rr and the file ~/.rr.prf.
What's New in This Release:
This only updates the packaging.
Don't bother upgrading if your copy works.
rRootage 0.23a keywords