Shells software reviews

Showing 26 to 47 from 47 matches

ShellRaptor 1.120705 Shells
ShellRaptor is a simple command-line SQL utility and editor
GPL (GNU General Public License)
silverflux 0.6.0 Shells
silverflux allows you to easily install and manage commercial games on your GNU/Linux system
GPL (GNU General Public License)
Hashell 0.013a Shells
Hashell project is a shell that is written in Haskell language and which it is intended to provide a set of abstractions that allows
GPL (GNU General Public License)
rvi 1.1 2006/02/09 Shells
rvi is a shell script that can give you an easy way of integrating RCS with your existing vim/vi work environment. Simply use "rvi
Artistic License
oksh 0.2 Shells
oksh project is a port of OpenBSD's version of ksh for Linux. The OpenBSD people have cleaned up and enhanced PD ksh with gre
Public Domain
sudosh 2.0.0 Shells
sudosh can be used as a default login shell or a filter that takes advantage of PTY devices in order to sit between the user's keyboa
Open Software License
Closebracket 0.0.3 Shells
Closebracket let you define multiple shell actions in a single command to speed up the typing of the most repetitive shell commands
GPL (GNU General Public License)
Squirrel Shell 1.0 Shells

GPL (GNU General Public License)
acoc 0.7.1 Shells
acoc is an arbitrary command output colourer. Ever wondered why the output of your favourite UNIX/Linux commands is still displaye
GPL (GNU General Public License)
Shelisp 2 Shells
Shelisp is a very short program that provides mechanisms for composing and running Unix shell (particularly bash) commands and constr
GPL (GNU General Public License)
d command 5.3 Shells
The d command runs a command in the background and redirects its output to a file
Free for non-commercial use
bLogbook 01 Shells
bLogbook is a shell script that makes it easy to keep notes
GPL (GNU General Public License)
ROXTerm 1.2.3 Shells
Like gnome-terminal but better suited to running outside GNOME, especially with ROX. ROXTerm is a terminal emulator intended to p
GPL (GNU General Public License)
MySmartCI 1.2.0 Shells

GPL (GNU General Public License)
WebSH 0.1a Shells
WebSH is a script that executes commands on a remote machine without opening a port, but instead by communicating with a PHP file
GPL (GNU General Public License)
spuug 0.2 Shells
spuug is a little tool that generates the boilerplate code for GObjects
GPL (GNU General Public License)
mvb 2.2 Shells
mvb is a shell script written for BSD and Linux users, to "batch rename" files (change the name of many files at once) in the current
xen-shell 0.6 Shells

GPL (GNU General Public License)
Bash Blogger 0.3.5 Shells
Bash Blogger is a shell script that generates CSS styled XHTML 1.1 static Web pages. Keeping up a website is basically just adding
GPL (GNU General Public License)
killppp 1.0 Shells
killppp purpose is to kill ppp pid after n time of no traffic
GPL (GNU General Public License)
shc 3.8.6 Shells
shc project is a generic shell script compiler. It takes a script which is specified on the command line and produces C source cod
GPL (GNU General Public License)
Shell over ICMP 0.5 Shells
Shell over ICMP consists of two free and open source applications: one server and one client
GPL (GNU General Public License)