Translate 0.9 review
DownloadTranslate is a toolkit to convert between various different translation formats (such as gettext-based .po formats, fo
Translate is a toolkit to convert between various different translation formats (such as gettext-based .po formats, formats, and Mozilla formats).
This makes it possible to stay in one format across all your localisation. Tools to help process and validate localizations, etc.
Here are some key features of "Translate":
conversion between gettext po format and mozilla, openoffice, csv formats
lots of others that I haven't had time to describe yet...
What's New in This Release:
Almost all storage classes have been migrated to the project's base class.
The base class should make it easier to add new formats in the future.
Major work was done to move escaping into the storage classes and to roundtrip escaping.
Many many unit tests were added to check compliance.
Many bugs were fixed.
The DTD format is no longer escaped, and it follows the DTD spec correctly.
.properties files are no longer used escaped Unicode, following the Mozilla convention.
Duplicates are merged by default using the PO method of merging locations.
Translate 0.9 keywords