w3cam 0.7.2 review

by rbytes.net on

w3cam is a simple CGI to retrieve images from a so called video4linux device

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 141K
Developer: Rasca
0 stars award from rbytes.net

w3cam is a simple CGI to retrieve images from a so called video4linux device. In other words this program will only run on Linux machines which support a video4linux-device.

w3cam supports a text mode and a gui mode. In the gui mode a html with a form is supplied to change some parameters with the mouse ..

Supported output formats: [6]PNG, [7]JPEG and PPM
Screen dumps in GUI mode [8]double.jpg
Installation: run 'configure & make install' and edit the installed w3cam.cgi.scf file for the runtime configuration.
Usage: Install the CGI and then call {url}/w3cam.cgi?help
Download source code: [9]w3cam-0.7.2.tar.gz
Needed Libraries: [10]libz, libpng, libjpeg
Checkout [11]ChangeLog for changes since the last release.
Don't use refresh=0 if you are not the only one, who want to access the video, cause this will lock the v4l device.
Set refresh=-1 if the image is NOT embedded in a HTML-page (or set it at compile time as the default or at runtime in the configuration file).
Use w3cam.css to change the layout (don't forget to install and define the URL in the config file..)
Problems?: [13]Mini FAQ, and also consult the included documentation and HTML samples.

What's New in This Release:
released 0.7.2
w3cam.cgi: added default input in the gui mode
added new option "bgr=1" to swap RGB24 to BGR24
fixed v4l.c:v4l_set_input() for the ov511 driver

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