Doxymacs 1.6.0 review
DownloadDoxymacs is an elisp package designed to make using and creating Doxygen easier for {X}Emacs users. It currently features the abil
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Doxymacs is an elisp package designed to make using and creating Doxygen easier for {X}Emacs users.
It currently features the ability to look up documentation for classes, functions, members, etc in the browser of your choice, fontification of Doxygen keywords, and automagical insertion of Doxygen comments.
Comments can be inserted in JavaDoc, Qt, or C++ style, or you can create your own style via templates.
Here are some key features of "Doxymacs":
ability to look up documentation for symbols from {X}Emacs in the browser of your choice.
easily insert Doxygen style comments into source.
optionally use an "external" (i.e. written in C) XML parser to speed up building the completion list.
fontify Doxygen keywords.
version 2.6.13 or greater of libxml2.
Use the configure script to configure and build doxymacs:
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install
Be sure to put ${datadir}/share/${EMACS}/site-lisp in your load-path in your .emacs file, or wherever you configured the .elc files to end up.
NOTE If you get:
!! File error (("Cannot open load file" "url"))
(or something similar) when you do make, then set the variable EMACSLOADPATH:
where ... is a colon separated list of directories to seach for packages.
To byte compile with XEmacs, set the variable EMACS:
$ EMACS=xemacs make
If you want to avoid byte-compiling altogether:
$ make ELCFILES=
$ make install ELCFILES=
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