MODx CMS review
DownloadMODx is an open source CMS that helps you take control of your website
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MODx is an open source CMS that helps you take control of your website. MODx CMS project makes updates easy, empowering end-users with as much control as you desire over website content and update frequency.
This site demonstrates some of its capabilities: blogging tools, user comments, RSS feeds, dynamic menu generation when adding or removing pages, built in search, integrated forums and bug tracking software, strong security and private/protected web pages...
Techies call MODx a Content Management System (CMS for short). It's also a pretty schwanky Application Framework. A robust and flexible API and an event override system makes building engaging web projects - and changing core functionality without hacking its code! - a breeze.
Not only does MODx help you build sites fast, but it also hides its tremendous power unless it's needed. As far as end users know, MODx is just an easy-to-use CMS with tons of freely available resources and one heck of an end user community.
Here are some key features of "MODx CMS":
Works in your favorite browser - and yes that means Safari! You can manage your websites from anywhere in the world with an internet connection and IE 5.5+, Safari 1.3+, Firefox 1.0+. Did you figure out your other favorite browser will work? Share it with our community.
Installer Improvements - it's now easier for less experienced users to get up and running fast.
Improved Rich Text Editors - All MODx RTEs are optional plug-ins, making for a smaller base download. FCKeditor ships out of the box. Adding new RTEs to MODx is simple with TinyMCE available now as an optional download and Textile, Markdown and widgEditors on their way.
Strong Web Standards Support - MODx does not force you into awkward and confusing blocks-this or channels-that templating engines or layout rules. You can build XHTML 1.1 Strict sites just as easily as a tag-soup laden table layout.
Web 2.0 Features / AJAX - MODx is 100% buzzword compliant! It's the first free PHP-based CMS to offer an API that fully supports Web 2.0 AJAX technology thanks to and our good friends at Sabre. Expect to see this grow more and more into our manager over time, but you can make use of it today in your own custom applications including live search, web effects, AJAX communications and more. (coming soon...)
Better handling of aliases and menu indexes - menu indexes at the same level auto-increment as documents are created, SEF aliases are automatically created from the page titles and the system will check for alias conflicts before saving a page.
New "show in menu" flag - a new flag which can be set on a per-document basis. Handy for using in menu-building snippets to indicate whether or not you want a document to appear in a menu... no more unpublished folders to hide items from menu snippets.
Improved Meta-tag and keywords controls - consider MODx your #1 free Search Engine Optimization CMS. MODx helps your SEO efforts by making it easier to adjust meta-content of your site on a per-page basis.
Separate Manager and Web User sessions - simplify your testing and development workflow.
Improved Document Parser and Error handling - build better custom applications with a more robust API and greatly improved error handling and reporting inside the manager.
Custom Content Types - use MODx documents to manage your linked Style Sheets, Images and Javascript. Transform them into XML, PDF, Excel or Word documents with snippets and this handy new feature.
Bug fixes and usability tweaks - a more polished and robust product, bringing us to the home stretch to the official project launch and 1.0 release.
And a whole lot more... - betcha knew we'd say that, didn't you?
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