Interpreters software reviews
Showing 76 to 100 from 107 matches
Atli 0.1.3 Interpreters Atli is a scripting language interpreter originally meant to be a quick way to develop a particular application's scripting language. GPL (GNU General Public License) |
Z-machine Preservation Project 0.92 Interpreters The Z-machine Preservation Project is a Java implementation of the Z-machine. Z-machine Preservation Project is to provide a Z-cod GPL (GNU General Public License) |
Stratego/XT 0.16 Interpreters LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License) |
Neko 1.5.2 Interpreters Neko is an interpreter and programming language LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License) |
ferite 1.0.2 Interpreters ferite is a lighweight, portable, threadsafe scripting engine with a language that is very easy to pick up and use. ferite is a sc BSD License |
Homespring 0.1.0 Interpreters Homespring is a bizarre programming language in the spirit of INTERCAL and Befunge. Homespring project is designed to superficiall GPL (GNU General Public License) |
binfmtc 0.10 Interpreters binfmtc implements handlers for C and other languages, which are usually compiled GPL (GNU General Public License) |
AFNIX programming language 1.4.1 Interpreters AFNIX is a multi-threaded functional programming language with dynamic symbol bindings that support the object oriented paradigm BSD License |
Desperado 1.22.0 Interpreters Desperado is a library of reusable object-oriented components written in C++ and C LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License) |
C 0.06 Interpreters GPL (GNU General Public License) |
pyvm 1.2 Interpreters pyvm is new a python virtual machine implementation which can run Python 2.4 bytecode and most of the times produce the expected outp LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License) |
LablGTK 2.6.0 Interpreters LablGTK is a GTK+ bindings for Objective Caml. LablGTK is an OCaml library wrapping the GTK+ API LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License) |
RPAL 0.1.3 Interpreters RPAL is the Right-reference Pedagogic Algorithmic Language. rpal is an interpreter for RPAL, a simple functional programming langu GPL (GNU General Public License) |
XCL XCLE 1.2.7 Interpreters LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License) |
CelSius WS 1.0.1 Interpreters CelSius Web Script is a C++ written all-new and accurate scripting language, optimized for web, but which can be used with files or d GPL (GNU General Public License) |
Program D 4.6 Interpreters Program D is the most widely used free ("open source") AIML bot platform in the world GPL (GNU General Public License) |
WhileInterpreter 4.2 Interpreters WhileInterpreter is an interpreter for the WHILE programming language used for learning purpose. WhileInterpreter has few construc Free For Educational Use |
Pyrex Interpreters Pyrex is a Language for Writing Python Extension Modules. Pyrex is a language specially designed for writing Python extension modu GPL (GNU General Public License) |
TOM programming language 2.5 Interpreters Tom is a software environment for defining transformations in Java GPL (GNU General Public License) |
Inlab-Scheme 4.108 Interpreters Inlab-Scheme is an independent implementation of the algorithmic language Scheme and conforms to the R4RS and the IEEE Standard 1178. GPL (GNU General Public License) |
Arena Scripting Language 0.9.9 Interpreters Arena Scripting Language is a light-weight scripting language BSD License |
Lich 3.38 Interpreters Lich is a scripting engine for text-based MUDs BSD License |
Elk 3.99.7 Interpreters Elk is an implementation of the Scheme programming language DFSG approved |
uBASIC 0.1 Interpreters uBASIC is a non-interactive BASIC interpreter designed for adding simple scripting capabilities to applications and systems with seve BSD License |
Jxp 1.5.1 Interpreters Jxp (Java scripted page) is a script-processor/template-engine that can execute template files containing text + java code LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License) |